Section author: Dustin Voss <>

The Dylan Macro System

Dylan macros simplify boilerplate code and provide syntactic shorthand. They are useful in small jobs within a particular file (e.g. making a series of repetitive declarations) and for larger jobs (e.g. constructing a GUI through creating and associating objects). Easy jobs are easy to do with macros, but the complicated jobs get hard fast.

This document describes how the Dylan macro system works and some techniques you can use when writing your own macros. I gloss over some of the implementation details and present this information more informally than the Dylan Reference Manual does.

Background and Overview

Macros work on the basis of code fragments. The macro system does not understand code fragments; it just substitutes some fragments for other fragments. Once the macro system has substituted and arranged all the code fragments, they are compiled into executable code.

Because the macro system parses and generates code fragments, it can recognize the difference between a string containing a macro name and an actual invocation of a macro. Macros are not affected by such syntactical issues; strings and other expressions are treated as opaque units.

The following are all examples of elementary code fragments, or parsed fragments. These combine to form the larger code fragments upon which macros operate.

"end times"
(3 + 7)
#[1, 2, 3]

Anatomy and terms

Macros have main rules and auxiliary rules. Each of the main or auxiliary rules has a pattern and a template. Patterns are matched against the code fragments of your source code. A main rule is matched against the code fragment that comprises the entire macro call. An auxiliary rule is matched against parts of that code fragment. The matched code is then replaced by the template.

A pattern can contain code fragments and pattern variables. If a code fragment in the source code matches what is in the pattern, parts of that code fragment may be pulled out into pattern variables. The rest is discarded.

A template can contain other code fragments and substitutions. Substitutions are placeholders; the contents of a pattern variable are processed and inserted into the template in place of every corresponding substitution. The template’s combined fragments and substitutions form the macro’s expansion, which replaces the original code fragment.

This happens recursively: after a macro is expanded, its expansion is scanned for additional macro call code fragments, and those are expanded in turn. The parser recognizes a macro call code fragment by way of a distinguishing word and the type of syntax associated with the macro (discussed further in Macro Types).

Let us examine this function macro:

 1define macro table
 2    { table(?table-class:expression, ?table-contents) }
 3 => { let ht = make(?table-class); ?table-contents; ht }
 5    { table(?rest:*) }
 6 => { table(<table>, ?rest) }
 8 table-contents:
 9     { ?key:expression => ?value:expression, ... }
10  => { ht[?key] := ?value; ... }
12     { }
13  => { }
14end macro table

Here are the parts of the macro:

  • The distinguishing word is table. Whenever the compiler sees table(...), it will expand this macro rather than creating a call to a function named “table”.

  • The main rules are in lines 2–6.

  • The macro has one set of auxiliary rules in lines 8-13. A set of auxiliary rules has a title written as a symbol. This set of auxiliary rules is titled table-contents:.

  • The pattern of the first main rule is in line 2.

  • The template of the first main rule is in line 3.

  • The patterns in this macro include the pattern variables ?table-class, ?table-contents, ?rest, ?key, and ?value.

  • The substitutions in this macro include those same names.

This macro might be called as follows:

let lights = table(<string-table>, "red" => "stop", "green" => "go");

But this actual call fragment is what the parser will attempt to match:

table(<string-table>, "red" => "stop", "green" => "go")

The macro’s expansion will be

let ht = make(<string-table>);
ht["red"] := "stop";
ht["green"] := "go";

and the replacement code will then become

let lights = begin
  let ht = make(<string-table>);
  ht["red"] := "stop";
  ht["green"] := "go";

Note that the expansion is surrounded by begin and end. Macro expansions are always surrounded by a begin…end block. This helps with macro hygiene (i.e. preventing bindings outside of a macro call from being affected by bindings used in a macro’s expansion). See Hygiene.

Macro Types

There are four types of macro.

Body-style definition macro

This kind of macro lets you create define x ... end syntax. This is the most popular kind of macro. Example: define function (see DEP-002).

List-style definition macro

This kind of macro lets you create define x ... syntax, such as define variable $pi.

Statement macro

This kind of macro lets you create do-something ... end syntax. Use this kind of syntax to simplify blocks or to create new kinds of loops. It is most commonly used to simplify resource management. Examples include block, for, and with-open-file.

Function macro

This kind of macro lets you create x(...) syntax. Use this instead of a function call if the syntax you want in the parentheses is more complicated than a normal function call, or if there is additional setup needed around a normal function call.

Macro definitions

All macros are defined by the define macro macro, which follows this general syntax, with optional parts in brackets:

define macro MACRO-NAME
end macro MACRO-NAME

For statement and function macros, this is the macro’s distinguishing word. For body-style and list-style definition macros, though, it is the distinguishing word plus -definer.


One or more pattern/template pairs. The syntax that the patterns all follow determine the type of the macro, and are described below. The patterns are matched in order; see Patterns.


One or more auxiliary rule sets, described in more detail in Auxiliary Rules. Each rule set has a name (which is syntactically a symbol) and one or more pattern/template pairs. The name may be written as my-aux-ruleset: or #"my-aux-ruleset"; both are the same.

Main Rules

The pattern of each main rule of a macro (and thus the way the macro is called) must follow a specific syntactic style depending on the type of macro.

When the Dylan compiler sees a macro call, it first finds the end of the call, and only afterwards attempts to expand the macro. While looking for the end of the call, the compiler recognizes inner macro calls along the way and recursively looks for the end of them first. If a code fragment looks like the end of a macro call, the parser will assume that that code fragment is the end of the macro call. Below, I describe what the end of each type of macro call looks like.

Body-style definition macro

The main rules’ patterns must follow this syntax, with optional parts in brackets:

  end }

One or more words or pattern variables.


A name or a pattern variable with a name constraint.


One or more sets of code fragments and pattern variables separated by semicolons and/or commas.

The parser will end the macro call at the first matching end. The final end in each main rule is the only end that the macro’s patterns can have.

As a special case, the final end matches these code fragments:


List-style definition macro

The main rules’ patterns must follow this syntax, with optional parts in brackets:


One or more words or pattern variables.


One or more sets of code fragments and pattern variables separated by commas.

The parser will end the macro call at the first matching ; or the end of the enclosing source code. None of the macro’s patterns can have a semicolon, and it is probably better to avoid ?:body or ?:case-body pattern variables.

Statement macro

The main rules’ patterns must follow this syntax, with optional parts in brackets:


One or more sets of code fragments and pattern variables separated by semicolons and/or commas.

The parser will end the macro call at the first matching end. The final end in each main rule is the only end that the macro’s patterns can have.

As a special case, the final end matches these code fragments:


Function macro

The main rules’ patterns must follow this syntax, with optional parts in brackets:


One or more sets of code fragments and pattern variables separated by semicolons and/or commas.

The parser will end the macro call when it sees the closing parenthesis. Other patterns in the macro can also include parentheses, so long as they are matched; the parser understands nested parentheses.

As a special case, function macros can be called using operator, slot access, or element access syntax. The function macro has to accept expressions for its BODY-PATTERN arguments like a normal function call in order to be used with these syntaxes.


Pattern matching follows these basic rules:

  • Pattern-matching starts and ends with the main rule set.

  • Patterns in a rule set are tried in order. If a pattern does not match the code fragment, the next pattern is tried, and so on. If none of the patterns in a rule set match, macro expansion fails.

  • When determining whether a pattern matches a code fragment, the compiler will not consider auxiliary rules. Any pattern variable corresponding to an auxiliary rule matches like any other pattern variable with the same constraint.

  • If no patterns in an auxiliary rule set match, macro expansion fails. The compiler does not backtrack and try a different earlier rule.


A main rule pattern has elements like define and end as described in Macro Types, but in general, a pattern is a list of fragments or pattern variables separated at the highest level by semicolons, then by commas. That is, a pattern has this syntax:


The parser matches each semicolon-separated sub-pattern individually, and only then matches the comma-separated sub-patterns within. This can have surprising side effects in combination with recursive auxiliary rules.

A pattern can include a trailing comma or semicolon, but this is strictly decorative. The pattern will match a trailing separator in the code fragment whether or not the pattern contains a trailing separator. Keep this in mind. The following patterns are equivalent:

{ ?:name }
{ ?:name; }
{ ?:name, }

Any of them will match any of these code fragments:


You can use parentheses, curly brackets (“{…}”), and square brackets to nest comma- or semicolon-separated patterns inside of other patterns, as in this example:

{ ?name:name, { ?true-expr:expression; ?false-expr:expression }, ?final:name }

Such a pattern will only match a code fragment with matching bracket characters. The above pattern will match the first line of the following, but not the second:

alpha, {#t; #f;}, beta
alpha, (#t; #f;), beta

Final items

A pattern with at least two list items treats the last item specially. For example, the pattern ?item-1:*, ?item-2:*, ?item-3:* will match any of these code fragments,

1alpha, beta, gamma
2alpha, beta
3alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon

and will set the pattern variables as follows:

Code Fragments




Line 1




Line 2



Line 3



gamma, delta, epsilon

This special behavior is usually only relevant when the last item in the list is a wildcard pattern variable (see Wildcard pattern variables). If the pattern were ?item-1:*, ?item-2:*, ?item-3:name instead, the only matching code fragment would be line 1, because neither an empty fragment (from line 2) nor gamma, delta, epsilon (from line 3) match the name constraint of ?item-3.

Property lists

The end of a comma-separated list of pattern fragments can include #rest, #key, and #all-keys, as in this example:

{ ..., #rest ?keys:token, #key ?alpha:token, ?beta:token, #all-keys }

This syntax is not used to match a code fragment that contains literal #rest, #key, and #all-keys fragments. Instead, this syntax matches a code fragment consisting of keyword/value pairs, called a property list. An example of a property list is:

alpha: "a", beta: "b"

In this code fragment, alpha: and beta: are the keyword or symbol parts of the property list and "a" and "b" are the value parts.

If you want to match literal #rest, #key, or #all-keys fragments, escape them in the pattern like \#rest, \#key, or \#all-keys.

If you write a pattern that contains #all-keys, you must also include #key. There are several variations on this syntax; they are described in Property list pattern variables.

#rest, #key, and #all-keys must be the only pattern fragments in their comma-separated sub-pattern, and that sub-pattern must be the last of several comma-separated sub-patterns. Here are some examples of when it is or is not valid to use this syntax in a pattern:

/* valid */     { #key ?alpha:token }
/* not valid */ { ?alpha:token #key ?beta:token }
/* valid */     { ?anything:*, #key ?alpha:token, #all-keys }
/* not valid */ { #key ?alpha:token, #all-keys, ?anything:* }
/* valid */     { #key ?alpha:token, #all-keys; ?anything:* }
/* not valid */ { #key ?alpha:token, #key ?beta-token }
/* valid */     { #key ?alpha:token; #key ?beta-token }

Pattern Variables

A macro pattern variable pulls out and transforms part of a code fragment. This partial code fragment is then substituted into the macro’s expansion. The substitution can be altered in some ways, or intercepted and more extensively transformed using auxiliary rules.

Every pattern variable has a name and a constraint. The constraint forces the pattern variable to only match certain code fragments. If the pattern variable cannot match, the pattern containing the variable will not match. Unless the pattern variable has the wildcard (or *) constraint, it can only match a code fragment that is part of the core language or a macro call; a pattern variable cannot match a code fragment that is only legal with respect to a given inner macro. An example of this is given in the discussion of the ?:body constraint below.

The scope of a pattern variable is the rule that uses it. Other rules or auxiliary rule sets cannot use the pattern variable.

Simple pattern variables


This is the basic pattern variable.


This is a pattern variable where its constraint is also its name. For example, ?:expression is equivalent to ?expression:expression, that is, a pattern variable named expression with a constraint of expression.


This matches a name.


This matches a name, operator, or simple literal such as a string, character constant, or number. It does not match vector literals or function calls.


This matches any expression, including vector literals, function calls, and begin…end blocks.


This matches a variable name and optional specialization, for example, color or color :: <color>.

?name:name :: ?specialization:expression

This matches a variable name and optional specialization, like ?:variable, but lets you extract each part separately. If the code fragment just has the name part, the substitution for ?specialization will be <object>. Note that ?specialization will not match every expression; it will only match an expression that happens to also be a valid type specialization.

Property list pattern variables

#rest ?name:constraint

This matches a property list where every value part meets the constraint. If the constraint is *, any value part will match. The substitution for ?name is the entire property list code fragment, including both the symbol and value parts of each property.

#key ?prop-1:constraint, ?prop-2:constraint

This matches a property list that only includes the prop-1: and prop-2: properties. If the property list includes any other property such as alpha: or if either prop-1: or prop-2: are missing, this pattern variable will not match. Additionally, the properties’ value parts have to meet the constraints given. If the constraint is *, any value part will match.

The substitution for ?prop-1 is the value part of the prop-1: property.

#key ??prop-1:constraint, ??prop-2:constraint

This matches a property list that has several properties with a symbol part of prop-1: or prop-2:. The substitution for ??prop-1 is several code fragments, each being the value part of a prop-1: property. The substitution may use one of the separators listed in Final items between each code fragment.

For example, consider this pattern:

{ #key ??my-key:name }

It will match the following code fragment:

my-key: alpha, my-key: beta

The substitution will be the following code fragment:

alpha beta

If the property list did not include a my-key: property, the substitution for ??my-key would have been empty.

#key ?prop:constraint, #all-keys

This matches a property list that contains prop:, but also matches if the property list contains other properties in addition to prop:.

For example, consider this code fragment:

my-key: alpha, another-key: beta

This pattern would not match:

{ #key ?my-key:name }

However, this pattern would:

{ #key ?my-key:name, #all-keys }
#key ?prop:constraint = default-value

This matches a property list that contains prop:, but also matches a property list that is missing that property. If the property is missing, the substitution will be the default value given.

The default value is not evaluated during macro expansion. Instead, it is simply treated as a code fragment and substituted for ?prop in the template. The default value code fragment does not have to abide by the pattern variable’s constraint. For example, the following pattern is valid even though #f is not a name:

{ #key ?name:name = #f }
#key ??prop:constraint = default-value

This matches a property list containing zero or more prop: properties. If prop: properties are present, the substitution for ??prop will be a sequence of value parts as it is for the #key ??prop:constraint pattern. However, if the property list does not have any prop: properties, the substitution will be a sequence of only one code fragment — the default value code fragment.

#rest ..., #key ...

With these two syntaxes are combined, both match separately against the same property list.

Body and macro pattern variables


This matches a series of semicolon-separated statements and expressions. If the code fragment does not have any statements or expressions, the substitution will be #f. The substitution will wrap the code fragment in begin and end to make an expression.

A ?:body pattern variable matches statements and expressions in a code fragment until it reaches some word, called an intermediate word. You must ensure that all your ?:body pattern variables are either followed by a word, or followed by a pattern variable referring to an auxiliary rule set whose rules all start with a word. Those words will become the intermediate words that tell the parser to stop matching the pattern variable.

In this example, the ?:body variable matches all code fragments up to endif:

{ if (?:expression) ?:body endif }

In this example with auxiliary rules, the ?:body variable matches all code fragments up to endif or else:

{ if (?:expression) ?:body ?else-or-end }
{ endif }
{ else ?:body endif }

In this example, the macro will not work because the pattern does not include an intermediate word following the ?:body variable:

{ when (?:expression) ?:body }

A ?:body pattern variable matches semicolons. It cannot be used in a series of comma- or semicolon-separated sub-patterns, and cannot itself be followed by a comma or semicolon in the pattern. The following will not work:

{ if (?:expression) ?:body; ?else-or-end }

A ?:body pattern variable does not match things that are not statements or expressions. For example, the following pattern is designed to be used with the above if macro:

{ if-into (?:expression) ?rest:body => ?:name } => { let ?name = if (?expression) ?rest }

You might expect that you can use this macro on the following code:

if-into (x = #f) format-out("false") else x + 1 endif => x

However, the ?rest:body variable will not match the words else or endif because they are not part of the core Dylan language. They are not statements or expressions. Those words are actually an extension to the language allowed by the if macro, but the if macro will never see them because the ?rest:body variable does not match or pass them on to the if macro. To match arbitrary fragments for the if macro, the if-into macro must use the wildcard constraint on the variable instead, like ?rest:*.


This matches a list of cases separated by semicolons, where each case consists of: a list of expressions, an arrow, and a body. For example, this pattern variable would match the following:

"red" => "stop";
"green", "blue" => "go";
otherwise => error("I don't know what this means.")

Since a case includes a body, a ?:case-body pattern variable must be followed with an intermediate word just like a ?:body pattern variable and cannot be followed by a comma or semicolon.


This matches any macro call. The substitution will be the expanded macro, without the begin…end block that normally surrounds macro expansions.

While you can use ?:expression and ?:body pattern variables to match macro calls, their substitutions will include a called macro’s begin…end wrapper, and ?:expression can only match function macro calls.

Wildcard pattern variables


Wildcard pattern variables match as many code fragments as can be matched before the next comma, semicolon, or other pattern fragment in the pattern. For example, consider the following pattern:

{ ?many-things:* ?:name }

?many-things will match everything up to but not including a name. The substitution for ?many-things will be everything except that name. If the code fragment only has a name, the substitution for ?many-things will be empty.

There can only be one wildcard pattern variable in a comma- or semicolon-separated sub-pattern. Each must be separated from other wildcards by a semicolon or comma. For example, this is not a legal pattern:

{ ?first:* ?second:* }

However, this is:

{ ?first:*, ?second:* }

As a special case, main rules of definition macros can have wildcards in both the MODIFIERS part and the LIST-PATTERN or BODY-PATTERN part without an intervening comma or semicolon. This allows patterns like the following that would normally not be allowed:

{ define ?modifiers:* collection ?:name ?contents:* end }

Finally, consider this pattern:

{ ?first:*, ?second:* }

As described in Patterns, it will match any of the following:

alpha, beta
alpha, beta, gamma

In all cases, the wildcard constraint on ?first will match up to the first comma in the code fragment. ?first will contain alpha. ?second will contain nothing, beta, or beta, gamma.

Auxiliary rule set pattern variables


This syntax can only be used when there is an auxiliary rule set named the same as the pattern variable. It is equivalent to ?aux-rules:*. See Auxiliary Rules.


This syntax can only be used within an auxiliary rule set. If the rule set is named my-aux-rules, ... is equivalent to ?my-aux-rules:*.


Pattern variables contain code fragments, which can be inserted into the macro expansion via a substitution. A substitution looks much like a pattern variable, but it is on the template side of the rule and has different syntax forms.

A template can only use pattern variables from its corresponding pattern. It cannot use pattern variables from other rules’ patterns.

Final items

As a special case, if the template has a separator followed by any of the substitution forms below, and the substituted code fragment is empty, the preceding separator is removed. For example, consider this template:

{ ?alpha, ?beta }

If ?alpha contains a and ?beta is empty, the expansion will not be a,, but will instead be a. This special case applies with any of the following separators in place of the comma: , ; + - * / ^ = == ~= ~== < <= > >= & | :=

Simple substitutions


This is the basic substitution. The pattern variable’s code fragment is inserted into the expansion according to the syntax used in the pattern, as described in Pattern Variables.

Conversion substitutions


The code fragment of the pattern variable name, which must be a simple name, is turned into a symbol and inserted into the expansion.


The code fragment of the pattern variable name, which must be a simple name, is turned into a string and inserted into the expansion.

Concatenation substitutions

"prefix" ## ?name ## "suffix"

The prefix and suffix are added to the pattern variable’s code fragment, which must be a simple name. The result is inserted into the expansion. Either the prefix or the suffix may be omitted.

For example, consider a pattern variable, ?name-part, that contains the following code fragment:


The pattern variable is used by the following template:

{ ?name-part ## "-function" }

The expansion will be the following code fragment:

"prefix" ## ?"name" ## "suffix"

As above, but results in a string. In the above example, the resulting code fragment would be the following:

"prefix" ## ?#"name" ## "suffix"

As above, but results in a symbol:


Or, equivalently:


List substitutions

??name ...

Used with a ??-style pattern variable to make a list. Consider a pattern variable, ??name-parts, that contains the following code fragments:

alpha beta gamma

The pattern variable is referenced by the following template and substitution:

{ ??name-parts ... }

The expansion will be the following code fragment:

alpha beta gamma
??name, ...

As above, but the expansion would be the following:


Consider if ??name-parts contained the following code fragment:


The expansion would be the following, without any commas:


Any of the following separators may be used in place of a comma in the template: , ; + - * / ^ = == ~= ~== < <= > >= & | :=

Auxiliary rule set substitution


This syntax can only be used within an auxiliary rule set. If the rule set is named my-aux-rules, this syntax is equivalent to ?my-aux-rules.

Unhygienic reference


This is not a substitution, but a way to refer to a binding in the macro’s caller. See Hygiene.

Auxiliary Rules and Expansions

Auxiliary Rules

Auxiliary rules transform the code fragment contained in a pattern variable before it is substituted into a template.

Auxiliary rule sets follow the syntax described in Patterns and have the behaviors described in that section. They do not have the special elements like define or modifiers shown in Main Rules, but the macro type does place certain de facto restrictions on what can appear in auxiliary rule patterns:

  • end cannot usefully appear in an auxiliary rule pattern of a body-style definition macro or a statement macro unless it is enclosed in bracketing characters.

  • ; cannot usefully appear in an auxiliary rule pattern of a list-style definition macro unless enclosed in bracketing characters.

An auxiliary rule set comes into play when a pattern variable matches a code fragment and that pattern variable is named the same as the auxiliary rule set. Usually, the pattern variable is a wildcard variable written without a constraint, but the pattern variable can use any of the forms described in Patterns, including the #key and ??name:constraint forms.

After the pattern variable matches and is set to a code fragment, that code fragment is matched against the rules of the auxiliary rule set. If a rule’s pattern matches the code fragment, that rule’s template is expanded and replaces the code fragment contained by the pattern variable. If no rules match the code fragment, macro expansion fails.

If the pattern variable being examined is a ??-style pattern variable, the process is similar, except each code fragment in the pattern variable is individually matched and transformed by the auxiliary rules.


This section discusses expansions through a series of examples. The examples are all variations of a function macro named version that builds a version number in a specific format and sets it by calling a function set-version. The set-version function is declared like this:

define function set-version (version-string :: <string>) => ()

Simple expansion

First, let us consider the version macro below.

1define macro version
2  { version(?number:expression, ?type:name) }
3    => { set-version(?number ?type) }
5  { alpha } => { "a" }
6  { beta } => { "b" }
7  { release } => { }
8end macro

The macro is called like this

version("1.2", alpha)

and the generated code looks like this:

set-version("1.2" "a")


Dylan compilers concatenate consecutive literal strings such as "1.2" "a", giving "1.2a".

The ?type pattern variable in line 1 of the macro definition matches alpha in the call. After the variable matches, the type: auxiliary rule set in lines 4–7 rewrites the contents of the pattern variable according to the matching rule in line 5. The matching rule expands to the string "a", which replaces the alpha code fragment in the pattern variable. In the main rule’s template (line 3), the pattern variable (now containing "a") is substituted into the expansion.

Effect of constraints

Now consider if the auxiliary rules were rewritten this way:

1define macro version
2  { version(?number:expression, ?type:name) }
3    => { set-version(?number ?type) }
5  { alpha, ?n:expression } => { "a" ?n }
6  { beta, ?n:expression } => { "b" ?n }
7  { release, ?n:expression } => { }
8end macro

This macro is intended to be called like this

version("1.0", alpha, "1")

to create a version number like "1.0a1". However, the macro will never succeed. ?type in line 2 has the name constraint, so it cannot match the call, which includes a comma and an additional clause. The type: auxiliary rule set will not even be consulted and macro expansion will fail.

Empty and missing code fragments

An auxiliary rule set can match against a missing code fragment. Consider the following macro call in relation to the version macros above.


With this macro call, the ?number pattern variable would contain "1.0" and ?type would be empty, as described in Final items. The macro would fail to match this code fragment, since the name constraint of the ?type variable does not match a missing code fragment.

If we changed the macro definition to include a wildcard constraint, like this,

1define macro version
2  { version(?number:expression, ?type:*) }
3    => { set-version(?number ?type) }
5  { alpha } => { "a" }
6  { beta } => { "b" }
7  { release } => { }
8end macro

the macro would still fail to match the code fragment because, while the ?type pattern variable itself will match, the type: auxiliary rule set does not have a pattern that matches a missing code fragment. We would also have to add the rule highlighted below:

1define macro version
2  { version(?number:expression, ?type:*) }
3    => { set-version(?number ?type) }
5  { alpha } => { "a" }
6  { beta } => { "b" }
7  { release } => { }
8  { } => { }
9end macro

Complex expansion

Now suppose we wanted to support this syntax:

version(major: 1, rev: 0, rev: 4, rev: 2, type: alpha)

This macro should expand to

set-version(concatenate(format-to-string("%s", 1),
                        format-to-string("%s", 0),
                        format-to-string("%s", 4),
                        format-to-string("%s", 2),

to generate a version number like "1.042a". The macro could be defined like this:

 1define macro version
 2  { version(#key ?major:expression, ??rev:expression, ?type:name = none) }
 3    => { set-version(concatenate(?major, ".", ??rev, ..., ?type)) }
 5  { ?rev } => { ?rev }
 7  { ?:expression } => { format-to-string("%s", ?expression) }
 9  { alpha } => { "a" }
10  { beta } => { "b" }
11  { release } => { }
12  { none } => { }
13end macro
Property lists and optional properties

The macro call must include the major: property, but the rev: and type: properties are optional.

rev: is optional because it is a ??-type pattern variable and, as described in Property list pattern variables, that type of pattern variable can handle a missing property. If the macro call did not include any rev: properties, the substitution for ??rev, ... would be empty. This would also cause the comma after "." in line 3 to vanish, as described in Final items.

type: is optional because the pattern variable includes a default value. If the macro call did not include type:, the substitution for ?type in line 3 would be empty. It would initially be none, but then the pattern variable would be processed by the type: auxiliary rule set and matched by the rule in line 12, and its contents replaced by the empty template for that rule. Because ?type in line 3 would be empty, the comma after ??rev, ... would vanish.

You may have noted that the major:, rev:, and type: auxiliary rule sets do not include the actual major:, rev:, or type: symbols found in the macro call. This is because #key-type pattern variables contain only the value parts of properties, not the symbol parts.

Auxiliary rule sets in auxiliary rules

In line 5, ?rev is equivalent to ?rev:*. The code fragment matched by that pattern variable is the code fragment initially contained by the ?major pattern variable matched in line 2. This code fragment will be an expression. Because rev is also the name of an auxiliary rule set, that code fragment will be matched and transformed by the rev: rule set. That transformed code fragment will be inserted in place of the ?rev substitution in line 5 and then subsequently inserted in place of the ?major substitution in line 3.

?? and ? pattern variables

The main rule and the major: auxiliary rule set both contain a pattern variable named rev, though it is ??rev:expression in the main rule (line 2) and ?rev in the auxiliary rule (line 5). Both pattern variables are transformed by the rev: auxiliary rule in line 7 because both pattern variables have the name rev, but they are transformed differently because of the different natures of the two pattern variables.

Because the ?major pattern variable in line 2 is a simple pattern variable that contains only one code fragment, the rev: rule in line 7 that acts on it (for reasons described above) transforms that fragment as you would expect: ?major will become a call to format-to-string.

However, the ??rev pattern variable in line 2 is a ??-type pattern variable containing zero or more code fragments, so when acting on it, the rev: rule transforms each code fragment individually. The ??rev, ... substitution in line 3 then joins each of the transformed code fragments with a comma and includes the entire collection in the main rule expansion, transforming the list of revision numbers to a list of calls to format-to-string.

Empty ?? pattern variables

In line 2, the ?type variable has a default. If the macro call does not contain a type: property, the default provides a code fragment to match against the type: auxiliary rule set.

In contrast, the ??rev variable does not have a default. If the call does not include any rev: properties then the pattern variable will not contain a code fragment. Since the rev: rule does not include an empty pattern, you might expect the macro to fail.

But the macro still works. The rev: rule will be applied to each code fragment in ??rev individually because it is a ??-type pattern variable. Since there are no code fragments in ??rev, the rev: rule set is not applied even once, so its lack of an empty pattern is irrelevant.

Recursive expansion

Any pattern variable named the same as an auxiliary rule is processed by that rule. That includes pattern variables in the auxiliary rule referring to the auxiliary rule set itself. This recursive behavior is useful for processing lists of items.

The ... pattern variable and substitution syntaxes draw attention to a recursive rule and make the author’s intention explicit. Using that syntax, these two path macros are equivalent:

1define macro path
2  { path(?steps) } => { let x = 0; let y = 0; ?steps; values(x, y) }
4  { north ?:token, ?steps:* } => { y := y - ?token; ?steps }
5  { south ?:token, ?steps:* } => { y := y + ?token; ?steps }
6  { west ?:token, ?steps:* } => { x := x - ?token; ?steps }
7  { east ?:token, ?steps:* } => { x := x + ?token; ?steps }
8  { } => { }
9end macro
1define macro path
2  { path(?steps) } => { let x = 0; let y = 0; ?steps; values(x, y) }
4  { north ?:token, ... } => { y := y - ?token; ... }
5  { south ?:token, ... } => { y := y + ?token; ... }
6  { west ?:token, ... } => { x := x - ?token; ... }
7  { east ?:token, ... } => { x := x + ?token; ... }
8  { } => { }
9end macro

But if I may editorialize, I feel there is a good argument for avoiding that syntax for the sake of consistency.

Let us trace the following macro call to show how macro recursion works:

let (x, y) = path(north 5, east 3, south 1, east 2)

The patterns and templates will be evaluated as follows:

  1. The main rule pattern matches. ?steps is set to north 5, east 3, south 1, east 2.

  2. The contents of ?steps is rewritten by the steps: auxiliary rule set.

    1. The “north” rule is matched against north 5, east 3, south 1, east 2. The pattern is a comma-separated pattern, which matches the code fragment. The word north and the token 5 match. As described in Final items, the ?steps pattern variable belonging to this pattern-match operation is set to east 3, south 1, east 2.

    2. The contents of this rule’s ?steps variable is rewritten by the steps: auxiliary rule set.

      1. The “north,” “south,” and “west” rules fail to match against east 3, south 1, east 2.

      2. The “east” rule matches and the ?steps pattern variable of this pattern-match operation (different from any other ?steps variable being dealt with) is set to south 1, east 2.

      3. ?steps is rewritten by another pass through the steps: rule set.

        1. The “south” rule matches and its ?steps is set to east 2.

        2. ?steps is again rewritten.

          1. The “north,” “south,” and “west” rules fail to match.

          2. The “east” rule is matched against east 2. The word east and the token 2 match. The code fragment does not contain a comma, but the pattern matches the code fragment without the comma per Final items. The ?steps pattern variable will contain an empty code fragment.

          3. Even though ?steps contains an empty code fragment, it is still rewritten by the steps: auxiliary rule set.

            1. The “north,” “south,” “west,” and “east” rules fail to match against an empty code fragment.

            2. The empty pattern matches. Its expansion is an empty fragment.

          4. The ?steps pattern variable of the “east” rule is set to the expansion of the auxiliary rule set, i.e., an empty fragment.

          5. The rule’s expansion is therefore x := x + 2.

        3. The ?steps pattern variable of the “south” rule is set to x := x + 2.

        4. The rule’s expansion is therefore y := y + 1; x := x + 2.

      4. The ?steps pattern variable of the “east” rule is set to y := y + 1; x := x + 2.

      5. The rule’s expansion is therefore x := x + 3; y := y + 1; x := x + 2

...and so on. The key ideas to note are:

  • The rule set has to have a non-recursing rule (in this case, => )

  • Each rule’s matching and expansion has its own ?token and ?steps pattern variable.


Macro expansions are hygienic, meaning there can be no name conflict between a local binding in scope that calls the macro and a local binding in the macro expansion.

Let us say we have two macros A and B. The expansion of A calls B. The following diagram shows the lexical scopes of bindings used in A and B. The table after describes the scopes in more detail.

│ [1] Module or lexical scope of a    │
│     call to macro A                 │
│                                     │
│  ┌───────────────────────────────┐  │
│  │ [2] Expansion of A            │  │
│  │                               │  │
│  │  ┌─────────────────────────┐  │  │
│  │  │ [3] Expansion of B      │  │  │
│  │  │                         │  │  │
│  │  └─────────────────────────┘  │  │
│  │                               │  │
│  └───────────────────────────────┘  │
│                                     │

│ [4] Module containing definition of │
│     macro A                         │
│                                     │

│ [5] Module containing definition of │
│     macro B                         │
│                                     │

In this table, each lexical scope is identified by its number as “Box 1” through “Box 5”. The table describe which bindings defined in each column’s lexical scope are visible in the lexical scope of each row. For example, the table shows that the only bindings from Box 1 visible in Box 2 are those that are captured by one of Macro A’s pattern variables and included in the expansion.

Definition Visibility

Definition Location

Box 1

Box 2

Box 3

Box 4

Box 5

Box 1


Only if defined with unhygienic reference to name from 1, captured by pattern variable of A

Only if defined with unhygienic reference to name from 1, captured by pattern variable of A and recaptured by pattern variable of B

Box 2

Only if captured by pattern variable of A


Only if defined with unhygienic reference to name from 2, captured by pattern variable of B


Box 3

Only if captured by pattern variable of A and recaptured by pattern variable of B

Only if captured by pattern variable of B



Box 4


Box 5


Breaking hygiene

A template can prefix a binding with ?=. This makes the binding come from and be visible in the macro’s caller. This can be illustrated by an example from Dylan Programming.

Say this is the Macro A defined in Box 4,

1define macro repeat
2  { repeat ?:body end }
3    => { block (?=stop!)
4           local method again() ?body; again(); end;
5           again();
6         end }
7end macro

and it is called in Box 1 like so:

let i = 0;
  if (i == 100) stop!() end;
  i := i + 1;

The ?=stop! substitution in line 3 of the macro becomes a reference to a binding visible in Boxes 1 and 2. In Box 1, the binding is visible as stop!. In Box 2 (the expansion itself), the binding is visible as ?=stop! and can be used like any binding (e.g., format-out("%=", ?=stop!)).

Note that that a macro expansion cannot create a new name visible outside of the macro call itself. In other words, Box 2 cannot create a binding for use elsewhere in Box 1 unless Box 1 supplies the name to be defined.

For example, given this macro,

1define macro do-then-foo
2  { do-then-foo(?:expression) ?:body end }
3    => { let ?=foo = ?expression; ?body }
4end macro

one might expect the macro call

do-then-foo("Hello\n") format-out(foo) end;

would print “Hello” twice, but the code does not compile. Because every macro expansion is implicitly surrounded by begin...end as described in Background and Overview, the example expands into:

  let foo = "Hello\n";

After the macro call, foo is no longer in scope.

FAQ and Tips

General advice and troubleshooting

  • The best way to design a macro is:
    1. Come up with the best non-macro interface you can.

    2. Design the syntax of the macro call up front.

    3. Implement that design.

  • Gwydion Dylan sometimes has issues with trailing semi-colons or commas. In general, don’t include a separator at the end of a template.

  • In both Gwydion Dylan and Open Dylan, the variable declaration for a variable used in the lexical scope of a macro needs to be in that macro. The variable cannot be declared in an auxiliary macro and exposed to the macro through the ?= mechanism. However, the variable can be declared in an auxiliary rule of the macro.

  • Ensure you haven’t accidently given a pattern variable the same name as an auxiliary rule set.

  • In Open Dylan, use define traced macro to get additional debug output while developing macros.

How can I combine multiple names into one?

There is no real way to do this for names or symbols. The concatenating substitution forms do not scale, so this template will not work:

{ define ?name-1 ## "-" ## ?name-2 ## "-function" () }

However, you can easily combine multiple names into a string by taking advantage of adjacent string concatenation:

{ format-out(?"name-1" "-" ?"name-2" "-function") }

Your best bet may be to do some sort of string-based introspection, or create anonymous definitions stored in a table keyed by a string.

How can I write macros that follow a BNF-like syntax?

Macros are designed to follow Dylan language conventions, so you may not be able to support arbitrary BNF-based syntax. But here are some tricks to help with common BNF forms.


An optional item can be handled by a wildcard pattern variable using an auxiliary rule with two patterns:

  { x }
  { }
x? y? z?

If there are several space-separated optional items, put them all in the same auxiliary rule, since the upper rule can’t have adjacent wildcard pattern variables that call out to an individual auxiliary rule for each item:

  { x ... }
  { y ... }
  { z ... }
  { }
x? | x (, x)*

This is a list that may have 0–n items. Handle this by calling out to an auxiliary rule that calls itself recursively like so:

  { ?x:*, ?x-list:* }
  { }

Note that the calling rule needs to use a wildcard pattern variable to collect the comma’d items for the x-list: rule set; this pattern variable needs to be well-separated from the syntax that follows it by a semicolon or intermediate word.

x (, x)*

This is a list that may have 1–n items. You simply cannot do this in the general case; your best bet is design your macro to handle 0 items gracefully and then use a 0-n list.

The following does not work because ?x:* allows an empty code fragment, which allows 0 items:

  // Doesn't work
  { ?x:*, ?x-list:* }
  { ?x:* }

Of course, if you can put a constraint on ?x, it will work fine, but remember that a secondary rule can’t be used to provide a constraint in a primary rule.

I can’t make a bare list!

A macro that makes a bare list (by which I mean a simple list of comma-separated names) cannot do anything useful with it. Macros build cohesive code fragments, and a bare list is not such a code fragment.

For example, this will not compile:

define macro setter-names
  { setter-names(?names) } => { ?names }
  { ?:name, ... } => { ?name ## "-setter", ... }
end macro;

vector(setter-names(alpha, beta, gamma, delta))

It does not compile because the expansion of setter-names is wrapped in a begin…end, resulting in this invalid syntax:

vector(begin alpha-setter, beta-setter, gamma-setter, delta-setter end)

Instead, do something with the list in the macro itself:

define macro setter-vector
  { setter-vector(?names) } => { vector(?names) }
  { ?:name, ... } => { ?name ## "-setter", ... }
end macro;

setter-vector(alpha, beta, gamma, delta)