The threads Module¶
The Threads module provides a portable threads interface for Dylan. The Threads module is designed to map easily and efficiently onto the threads facilities provided by all common operating systems.
All documented bindings are exported from the module threads in the dylan and common-dylan libraries.
Multi-thread semantics¶
The Threads module provides multiple threads of control within a single space of objects and module variables. Each thread runs in its own independent stack. The mechanism by which the threads are scheduled is not specified, and it is not possible to determine how the execution of instructions by different threads will be interleaved. No mechanism is provided to call a function on an existing thread other than the current thread. Neither is there a mechanism to signal an exception on a thread other than the current thread.
In general, the Threads module guarantees that assignments to slots and variables are atomic. That is, after an assignment, but before synchronization, another thread will see either the old value or the new value of the location. There is no possibility of seeing a half-way state.
In some circumstances, when a slot or a variable is specialized to be of
a particularly constrained type, the Threads module does not guarantee
atomicity of assignments. Such a type may include a subtype of
or a subtype of <extended-float>
. It may not include
any other type that is either defined in the current specification of
the Dylan language, or that could be created from standard facilities
provided by the current specification of the language. This restriction
of the atomicity guarantee is intended to permit implementations to
represent the values of such slots or variables in a form which uses
more space than a normal Dylan value, for optimal efficiency.
For those cases where the implementation does not provide the atomicity guarantee, the results of accessing a normal variable are undefined if:
The read could proceed in parallel with some write of the same location
Two writes of the same location could have proceeded in parallel since the last non-parallel write
Two memory references proceed in parallel if they are not explicitly sequentialized, either by being in a single thread, or by explicit inter-thread synchronization.
Programmers should guard against the possibility of undefined values by using explicit inter-thread synchronization.
The ordering of visibility of side effects performed in other threads is undefined, unless explicit synchronization is used. Implementations of the module may guarantee that the visibility of side-effects performed by another thread is ordered according to the control flow of the other thread (strong ordering), but multi-processor implementations might not be strongly ordered. Portable code should not assume strong ordering, and should use explicit synchronization where the order of side effects is important. There is currently no module introspection facility to determine if the implementation is strongly or weakly ordered.
Because of the possibility of weak ordering, the compiler is free to assume that the effects of other threads may be ignored between explicit synchronization points, and it may perform any optimizations which preserve the semantics of a single-thread model regardless of their effects on other threads — for example, common sub-expression elimination, or changing the order of evaluation.
Explicit synchronization¶
The Threads module provides low-level synchronization functions which control the ordering of operations with respect to other threads, and control when the side effects that have been performed within one thread become visible within other threads.
At a higher level, the Threads module provides a variety of synchronization facilities, described below. These facilities include mutual-exclusion locks, semaphores and notifications. Each facility guarantees that when synchronization has been achieved, all the side effects of another thread are visible, at least up to the point where that other thread last released the synchronization facility.
An appropriate synchronization must be used to guard side-effects on state if there is any possibility of those side-effects either being corrupted by another thread or corrupting another thread. For example, a function which assigns to two slots of an object may require the use of a lock to guarantee that other threads never observe the object in a partly updated state.
It is up to module designers to document when synchronization is not performed internally, and when synchronization protocols must be used by clients. The implications for the Dylan library, and some other low-level libraries, are discussed in Thread safety in client libraries.
Conditional update¶
In addition to the synchronization primitives, the module provides a conditional update mechanism which is not synchronized, but which tests whether the value in a variable or slot has changed and atomically updates it if not.
By using conditional updates, a thread can confirm (or deny) that there has been no interference from other threads, without any need for a blocking operation. This is more efficient for those circumstances where interference is not disastrous and it is possible to recompute the update.
For example, a function which increments the value of a variable might use a conditional update to store the new value into place, in order to guarantee a numeric sequence for the variable. In this example, the function might loop until the conditional update has succeeded.
It is possible to achieve synchronization by looping until a conditional update is successful, and then synchronizing side effects. This is not recommended, because the busy-waiting state during the loop may disallow other threads from running. Normally, conditional update should be used only when it is expected to succeed. If it is likely that the conditional update might fail multiple times around the loop, then either the number of times around the loop should be limited, or a blocking function from the Threads module should be used within the loop.
The dynamic environment¶
Dylan has an implicit notion of a dynamic environment, corresponding
to language constructs with dynamic extent. For example, the block
construct can introduce cleanup-clauses, and the body of the block
is executed in a dynamic environment in which those cleanup-clauses are
active. Handlers and exit procedures are other examples of language
features related to the dynamic environment.
The dynamic environment is defined to be thread-local. When a new thread is created, it starts with a fresh dynamic environment. It is an error to attempt to use a handler or a non-local exit function belonging to another thread. It is impossible to use an unwind-protect cleanup from another thread.
Although the binding of condition handlers only affects the dynamic environment of the current thread, unhandled conditions are passed to the global generic function default-handler. This function might call the debugger. The Threads module does not define what calling the debugger means.
Note that in Dylan, unlike in C and C++, lexical variables (that is local, or let -bound variables) have indefinite extent — that is, have a lifetime independent of the function or block in which they were created — and are not bound in the dynamic environment. Because those variables are in general potentially global, you may need to explicitly synchronize accesses to them.
Thread variables¶
The Threads module provides a new type of variable: a thread variable, also known as a thread-local variable. These variables are similar to normal module variables in the sense that they are visible according to the same scoping rules and have the same semantics in a single-threaded program. However, in contrast to a normal variable, assignments to a thread variable in one thread are not visible when evaluating the variable in another thread.
Whenever a thread is created, the value of each thread variable is initialized to a thread-independent value resulting from a once-only evaluation of the initialization expression of the thread variable definition.
See page thread
for details of the thread
adjective to
define variable
Dynamic binding¶
The Threads module exports a macro for dynamic binding. A binding is a mapping between a variable and a*value-cell* which holds the variable’s value. A dynamic binding is a binding which has dynamic extent, and shadows any outermost bindings. Dynamic bindings can be considered to be a property of the dynamic environment.
Thread variables can have new dynamic bindings created for them with the
macro dynamic-bind
. Thread variables inherently have
thread-local bindings, so it is possible to re-bind a thread variable
dynamically using the Dylan construct block ... cleanup
. The
macro can be implemented in this way.
The thread-local nature of dynamically bindable variables may not be optimal for all problem domains. For instance a shared, global, outermost binding may be desirable, or alternatively, a thread may want to inherit current bindings from the parent thread at creation time, giving a “fork”-type model of state inheritance. These alternatives are not pursued in this module, but they might be an interesting area for future research.
Thread safety in client libraries¶
If an application uses multiple threads, then there may be thread safety requirements for any library that can be called simultaneously by multiple threads, even if the called library does not use the Threads library directly.
This section is about thread safety in any library that is designed to be used in a multi-threaded application.
General requirements¶
A library’s designer is responsible for documenting which features of the library offer built-in synchronization and which do not. While there is no definitive rule that can assist designers in this documentation, the following guidelines may be useful.
If a client of the library forgets to use a synchronization feature when one is necessary, the library designer should ensure that the effect of the lack of synchronization is limited to a small unit — probably a single object. In cases where the designer cannot guarantee that the effect will be limited, the library should either implement the synchronization internally, or provide a macro for clients to use instead.
Library implementors must ensure that the library provides implicit synchronization for any hidden global state which is maintained by the library. Library designers may choose whether the library should offer implicit synchronization of the state of objects managed by the library. The interface is more convenient if the synchronization is implicit, but it may be more efficient to rely on explicit synchronization by the client. Library designers should always document the choice they make.
Effects on the Dylan library¶
The definition of the Dylan library is not changed with the addition of the Threads module. The implementation ensures that all hidden global state (such as the symbol table and any generic function caches) is implicitly synchronized. Those functions in the Dylan library which are defined to modify the state of objects are not defined to provide implicit synchronization. However, implementations are expected to ensure that synchronization bugs in Dylan programs will not cause obscure errors that cannot be explained in terms of the semantics of Dylan language constructs.
The library guarantees that element and element-setter will be
atomic for all of Dylan’s non-stretchy built-in collection classes, and
for <table>
, except for subclasses of <string>
, and limited
collections where the elements are constrained to be either of a type
for which slots and variables do not guarantee atomicity (see
Atomicity) or a subtype of <character>
, or of a proper subtype of
. This design is intended to permit implementations to use
efficient representations for element values, which use either more or
less space than a normal Dylan value. It is undefined whether any of
the other standard Dylan functions are atomic. Where atomicity is not
guaranteed, clients should guard against unexpected behavior by using
explicit synchronization, as appropriate.
The Threads class hierarchy¶

Threads class hierarchy.¶
s - sealed | o - open
p - primary | f - free
c - concrete | a - abstract
u - uninstantiable | i - instantiable
Basic features¶
This section documents basic features of the Threads module: operations on threads and low-level synchronization.
Low-level synchronization¶
- sequence-point Function¶
Tells the compiler that it must consider the possibility of visible side effects from other threads at the point of the call.
- Signature:
sequence-point () => ()
- Discussion:
Tells the compiler that it must consider the possibility of visible side effects from other threads at the point of the call.
Normally, the compiler is not obliged to consider this possibility, and is free to rearrange program order provided that the reordering cannot be detected within a thread.
Calling this function effectively prohibits the compiler from rearranging the order of reads or writes from or to global data, relative to the call. This function may disallow compiler optimizations, leading to less efficient code — even for strongly ordered machines.
- synchronize-side-effects Function¶
, with the addition that all side effects that have been performed within the calling thread are made visible within all other threads.- Signature:
synchronize-side-effects () => ()
- Discussion:
A call to this function implies all the constraints to the compiler of a call to
. In addition it ensures that all side effects that have been performed within the calling thread are made visible within all other threads. Hence, no side effect performed after the call can be visible to other threads before side effects performed before the call. On a strongly ordered machine, this function might legitimately be performed as a null operation.Some of the standard synchronization functions in the Threads module also ensure the visibility of side effects and act as sequence points, as if by a call to this function. This is defined to happen as follows:
Immediately before a thread exits and becomes available for joining with
yields controlAfter
achieves synchronization (for all methods provided by the Threads module)Upon entry to
(for all methods provided by the Threads module)Upon entry to
- Example:
This example uses low-level synchronization to implement a class for performing lazy evaluation in a thread-safe manner, without the need for locks.
The class guarantees that the value will not be computed until it is needed, although it does not guarantee that it will not be computed more than once concurrently. This might be useful for memorization purposes.
The class uses 3 slots: one for a function which may be used to compute the value, one for a boolean indicating whether the value is already known, and one for the value itself, if known.
It is essential that no instance can ever be observed in a state where the boolean indicates a known value before the value is present. The low-level synchronization functions ensure this cannot happen.
define class <lazy-value> (<object>) slot thunk :: <function>, required-init-keyword: thunk:; slot internal-guard :: <boolean> = #t; slot computed-value; end class; define method lazy-value (lv :: <lazy-value>) => (value) if (lv.internal-guard) // Don't yet have a value == so compute it now; let value = lv.thunk(); // Store the value in place lv.computed-value := value; // Before dropping the guard, synchronize side // effects to ensure there is no possibility that // other threads might see the lowered guard // before seeing the value synchronize-side-effects(); // Now we can drop the guard to permit other // threads to use this value lv.internal-guard := #f; // Finally, return the computed value value else // The value has already been computed and // stored, so use it // First, need a sequence-point to force the // compiler not to move the read of the // computed-value so that it is performed BEFORE // the read of the guard. sequence-point(); lv.computed-value; end if; end method;
Operations on threads¶
- <thread> Instantiable Sealed Class¶
The class of threads.
- Superclasses:
- Init-Keywords:
function – An instance of
. Required.priority – A signed integer.
name – An instance of
- Discussion:
The class representing a thread of control executing function.
The function is called with no arguments in the empty dynamic environment of the new thread. The thread terminates when the function returns.
The function is executable immediately. You can suspend a new thread (almost) immediately on creation by arranging for it to synchronize on an unavailable resource upon entry to the function.
The optional priority keyword provides a scheduling priority for the thread. The higher the value, the greater the priority. The default value is zero, which is also the value of the constant
, one of several constants that correspond to useful priority levels. The module offers no way to change the priority of a thread dynamically.The following constants, listed in order of increasing value, may be useful as values for the optional priority keyword.
The name keyword is a string that is used as the function’s name for convenience purposes, such as debugging.
- Operations:
The class
provides the following operations:thread-name
Returns the name of a thread, or#f
if no name was supplied.thread-id
Returns the ID of a thread.join-thread
Blocks until one of the specified threads has terminated, and returns the values of its function.
- thread-name Function¶
Returns the name of a thread.
- thread-id Generic function¶
Returns the thread ID of a thread.
- Signature:
thread-id thread => thread-id
- Parameters:
thread – An instance of
- Values:
thread-id – An instance of
- Discussion:
Returns the thread ID of a thread. This is similar to the process ID for an operating system process.
This is a value controlled by the underlying operating system. It is most useful when trying to correlate thread activity with reports from other tools.
- join-thread Function¶
Waits for another, existing, thread to terminate, and then returns the values of its function.
- Signature:
join-thread thread #rest threads => thread-joined #rest results
- Parameters:
- Values:
- Conditions:
An implementation of join-thread is permitted to signal the following condition:
A condition of this class (a subclass of
) may be signalled when a thread is passed to join-thread, if that thread has already been joined by an earlier call to join-thread, or if that thread is currently active in another call to join-thread.
- Discussion:
Waits for another, existing, thread to terminate, by blocking if necessary, and then returns the values of its function. The function returns the thread object that was joined, along with any values its function returns.
If more than one thread is passed to join-thread, the current thread blocks until the first of those threads terminates. The values returned are those of the first thread to terminate.
If one or more of the multiple threads has already terminated at the time of the call, then one of those terminated threads is joined. When more than one thread has already terminated, it is undefined which of those threads the implementation will join.
It is an error to pass a thread to join-thread if it has already been joined in a previous call to join-thread. It is an error to pass a thread to join-thread if that thread is also being processed by another simultaneous call to join-thread from another thread.
- thread-yield Function¶
Force the current thread to yield control to the part of the implementation responsible for scheduling threads.
- Signature:
thread-yield () => ()
- Discussion:
Forces the current thread to yield control to the part of the implementation responsible for scheduling threads. Doing so may have the effect of allowing other threads to run, and may be essential to avoid deadlock in a co-operative scheduling environment.
Synchronization protocol¶
Basic features¶
- <synchronization> Open Abstract Class¶
The class of objects that are used for inter-thread synchronization.
- Superclasses:
- Init-Keywords:
name – An instance of
- Discussion:
The class of objects that are used for inter-thread synchronization.
There is no explicit mechanism in the module to block on a number of synchronization objects simultaneously, until synchronization can be achieved with one of them. This mechanism can be implemented by creating a new thread to wait for each synchronization object, and arranging for each thread to release a notification once synchronization has been achieved.
The name keyword is a string that is used as the synchronization object’s name for convenience purposes, such as debugging.
- Operations:
The class
provides the following operations:wait-for
Block until synchronization can be achieved.release
Release the object to make it available for synchronization.synchronization-name
Returns the name of the synchronization object.
- wait-for Open Generic function¶
Blocks until a synchronization object is available.
- Signature:
wait-for object #key timeout => success
- Parameters:
object – An instance of
.timeout – Time-out interval. If the value is
(the default), the time-out interval never elapses. Otherwise the value should be a<real>
, corresponding to the desired interval in seconds.
- Values:
success – An instance of
- Discussion:
Blocks until a synchronization object is available.
This function is the basic blocking primitive of the Threads module. It blocks until object is available and synchronization can be achieved, or the timeout interval has expired. A non-blocking synchronization may be attempted by specifying a timeout of zero. Individual methods may adjust the state of the synchronization object on synchronization. The function returns
if synchronization is achieved before the timeout interval elapses; otherwise it returns#f
- release Open Generic function¶
Releases a synchronization object.
- Signature:
release object #key => ()
- Parameters:
object – An instance of
- Discussion:
Releases the supplied synchronization object, object, potentially making it available to other threads. Individual methods describe what this means for each class of synchronization. This function does not block for any of the subclasses of
provided by the module.
- synchronization-name Open Generic function¶
Returns the name of a synchronization object.
- Signature:
synchronization-name object => name-or-false
- Parameters:
object – An instance of
- Values:
name-or-false – An instance of
type-union(<string>, singleton(#f))
- Discussion:
Returns the name of the synchronization object, object, if it was created with the name init-keyword. Otherwise
is returned.
- <lock> Open Abstract Instantiable Class¶
The class of locks.
- Superclasses:
- Discussion:
Locks are synchronization objects which change state when they are claimed (using
), and revert state when released (usingrelease
).It is normally necessary for programs to ensure that locks are released, otherwise there is the possibility of deadlock. Locks may be used to restrict the access of other threads to shared resources between the synchronization and the release. It is common for a protected operation to be performed by a body of code which is evaluated in a single thread between synchronization and release. A macro
is provided for this purpose. When a thread uses a lock for mutual-exclusion in this way, the thread is said to own the lock.<lock>
has no direct instances; callingmake
returns an instance of<simple-lock>
.- Operations:
The class
provides the following operations:
- with-lock Statement Macro¶
Holds a lock while executing a body of code.
- Macro Call:
with-lock (lock, #key keys) body [ failure failure-expr ] end
- Parameters:
- Values:
values – Zero or more instances of
- Conditions:
may signal a condition of the following class (a subclass of<serious-condition>
This is signalled when
did not succeed in claiming the lock within the timeout period.
- Discussion:
Execute the body with lock held. If a failure clause is supplied, then it will be evaluated and its values returned from
if the lock cannot be claimed (because a timeout occurred). The default, if no failure clause is supplied, is to signal an exception of class<timeout-expired>
. If there is no failure,with-lock
returns the results of evaluating the body.- Example:
If no failure clause is supplied, the macro expands into code equivalent to the following:
let the-lock = *lock*; if (wait-for(the-lock, *keys ...*)) block () ...*body*... cleanup release(the-lock) end block else signal(make(<timeout-expired>, synchronization: the-lock) end if
- <semaphore> Open Primary Instantiable Class¶
The class of traditional counting semaphores.
- Superclasses:
- Init-Keywords:
initial-count – A non-negative integer, corresponding to the initial state of the internal counter. The default value is 0.
maximum-count – A non-negative integer corresponding to the maximum permitted value of the internal counter. The default value is the largest value supported by the implementation, which is the value of the constant
. This constant will not be smaller than 10000.
- Discussion:
class is a class representing a traditional counting semaphore. An instance of<semaphore>
contains a counter in its internal state. Callingrelease
on a semaphore increments the internal count. Callingwait-for
on a semaphore decrements the internal count, unless it is zero, in which case the thread blocks until another thread releases the semaphore.Semaphores are less efficient than exclusive locks, but they have asynchronous properties which may be useful (for example for managing queues or pools of shared resources). Semaphores may be released by any thread, so there is no built-in concept of a thread owning a semaphore. It is not necessary for a thread to release a semaphore after waiting for it — although semaphores may be used as locks if they do.
- wait-for(<semaphore>) Sealed Method¶
Claims a semaphore object.
- Signature:
wait-for object #key timeout => success
- Parameters:
object – An instance of
. The semaphore object to wait for.timeout (#key) – Time-out interval. If the value is
(the default), the time-out interval never elapses. Otherwise the value should be a<real>
, corresponding to the desired interval in seconds.
- Values:
success – An instance of
- Discussion:
Decrements the internal count of the semaphore object, blocking if the count is zero.
- See also:
- release(<semaphore>) Sealed Method¶
Releases a semaphore object.
- Signature:
release object #key => ()
- Parameters:
object – An instance of
- Conditions:
An implementation of this
method is permitted to signal a condition of the following class, which is a subclass of<error>
This may be signalled when an attempt is made to release a
when the internal counter is already at its maximum count.
- Discussion:
Releases a semaphore object, by incrementing its internal count.
- See also:
Exclusive locks¶
- <exclusive-lock> Open Abstract Instantiable Class¶
The class of locks which prohibit unlocking by threads that do not own the lock.
- Superclasses:
- Discussion:
The class of locks which prohibit unlocking by threads that do not own the lock.
The notion of ownership is directly supported by the class, and a thread can test whether an
is currently owned. An instance of<exclusive-lock>
can only be owned by one thread at a time, by callingwait-for
on the lock.Once owned, any attempt by any other thread to wait for the lock will cause that thread to block. It is an error for a thread to release an
if another thread owns it.<exclusive-lock>
has no direct instances; callingmake
returns an instance of<simple-lock>
.- Operations:
The class
provides the following operations:owned?
Tests to see if the lock has been claimed by the current thread.
- release(<exclusive-lock>) Sealed Method¶
Releases an exclusive lock.
- Signature:
release object #key => ()
- Parameters:
object – An instance of
- Conditions:
Implementations of
methods for subclasses of<exclusive-lock>
are permitted to signal a condition of the following class, which is a subclass of<error>
This may be signalled when an attempt is made to release an
when the lock is not owned by the current thread.
- Discussion:
Releases a lock that is owned by the calling thread. It is an error if the lock is not owned.
The Threads module does not provide a method on
, which is an open abstract class. Each concrete subclass will have an applicable method which may signal errors according to the protocol described above.
- owned? Open Generic function¶
Tests whether an exclusive lock has been claimed by the current thread.
- Signature:
owned? object => owned?
- Parameters:
object – An instance of
- Values:
owned? – An instance of
- Discussion:
Tests whether the exclusive lock has been claimed by the current thread.
Recursive locks¶
- <recursive-lock> Open Primary Instantiable Class¶
The class of locks that can be locked recursively.
- Superclasses:
- Discussion:
A thread can lock a
multiple times, recursively, but the lock must later be released the same number of times. The lock will be freed on the last of these releases.
- wait-for(<recursive-lock>) Sealed Method¶
- Summary:
Claims a recursive lock.
- Signature:
wait-for object #key timeout => success
- Parameters:
object – An instance of
.timeout (#key) – Time-out interval. If the value is
(the default), the time-out interval never elapses. Otherwise the value should be a<real>
, corresponding to the desired interval in seconds.
- Values:
success – An instance of
- Discussion:
Claims a recursive lock, blocking if it is owned by another thread.
- See also:
- release(<recursive-lock>) Sealed Method¶
Releases a recursive lock.
- Signature:
release object #key => ()
- Parameters:
object – An instance of
- Discussion:
Releases a recursive lock, and makes it available if it has been released as many times as it was claimed with
- owned?(<recursive-lock>) Sealed Method¶
Tests whether a recursive lock has been claimed by the current thread.
- Signature:
owned? object => owned?
- Parameters:
object – An instance of <recursive-lock>.
- Values:
owned? – An instance of
- Discussion:
Tests whether a recursive lock has been claimed by the current thread.
Simple locks¶
- <simple-lock> Open Primary Instantiable Class¶
A simple and efficient lock.
- Superclasses:
- Discussion:
class represents the most simple and efficient mutual exclusion synchronization primitive. It is an error to lock a<simple-lock>
recursively. An attempt to do so might result in an error being signalled, or deadlock occurring.
- wait-for(<simple-lock>) Sealed Method¶
Claims a simple lock.
- Signature:
wait-for object #key timeout => success
- Parameters:
object – An instance of
.timeout (#key) – Time-out interval. If the value is
(the default), the time-out interval never elapses. Otherwise the value should be a<real>
, corresponding to the desired interval in seconds.
- Values:
success – An instance of
- Discussion:
Claims a simple lock, blocking if it is owned by another thread.
- See also:
- release(<simple-lock>) Sealed Method¶
Releases a simple lock.
- Signature:
release object #key => ()
- Parameters:
object – An instance of
- Discussion:
Releases a simple lock.
- See also:
- owned?(<simple-lock>) Sealed Method¶
Tests whether a simple lock has been claimed by the current thread.
- Signature:
owned? object => owned?
- Parameters:
object – An instance of
- Values:
owned? – An instance of
- Discussion:
Tests whether a simple lock has been claimed by the current thread.
Multiple reader / single writer locks¶
- <read-write-lock> Open Primary Instantiable Class¶
The class of locks that can have multiple readers but only one writer.
- Superclasses:
- Discussion:
The class of locks that can have multiple readers but only one writer.
class can be locked in either of two modes, read and write. A write lock is exclusive, and implies ownership of the lock. However, a read lock is non-exclusive, and an instance can be locked multiple times in read mode, whether by multiple threads, recursively by a single thread, or a combination of both.A
can only be locked in write mode if the lock is free, and the operation will block if necessary. It can only be freed by the thread that owns it.A
can be locked in read mode provided that it is not owned with a write lock. The operation will block while the lock is owned. Each time it is locked in read mode, an internal counter is incremented. This counter is decremented each time a read-mode lock is released. The lock is freed when the counter becomes zero.The
class is less efficient than the other lock classes defined in the Threads module. However, it provides an efficient and convenient means to protect data that is frequently read and may occasionally be written by multiple concurrent threads.
- wait-for(<read-write-lock>) Sealed Method¶
Claims a read-write lock.
- Signature:
wait-for object #key timeout mode
- Parameters:
object – An instance of
.timeout (#key) – Time-out interval. If the value is
(the default), the time-out interval never elapses. Otherwise the value should be a<real>
, corresponding to the desired interval in seconds.mode (#key) – The mode of the lock to wait for. Valid values are
(the default) and#"write"
, which wait for locks in read mode and write mode respectively.
- Values:
success – An instance of
- Discussion:
Claims a read-write lock, blocking if necessary. The behavior depends on the value of mode:
If there is a write lock, blocks until the lock becomes free. Then claims the lock by incrementing its internal read-lock counter.#"write"
First waits until the lock becomes free, by blocking if necessary. Then claims exclusive ownership of the lock in write mode.
If the claim is successful, this method returns true; otherwise it returns false.
- release(<read-write-lock>) Sealed Method¶
Releases a read-write-lock.
- Signature:
release object #key => ()
- Parameters:
object – An instance of
- Discussion:
Releases a read-write lock.
If the lock is owned by the calling thread, it is freed. If the lock is locked in read mode, the count of the number of locks held is decremented; the lock is freed if the count becomes zero. Otherwise it is an error to release the lock, and an implementation is permitted to signal a
- owned?(<read-write-lock>) Sealed Method¶
Tests whether a read-write lock is owned — that is, has been locked in write mode — by the current thread.
- Signature:
owned? object => owned?
- Parameters:
object – An instance of
- Values:
owned? – An instance of
- Discussion:
Tests whether a read-write lock is owned — that is, has been locked in write mode — by the current thread.
- <notification> Instantiable Sealed Class¶
The class of objects that can be used to notify threads of a change of state elsewhere in the program.
- Superclasses:
- Init-Keywords:
lock – An instance of
. Required.
- Discussion:
The class of objects that can be used to notify threads of a change of state elsewhere in the program. Notifications are used in association with locks, and are sometimes called condition variables. They may be used to support the sharing of data between threads using monitors. Each
is permanently associated with a<simple-lock>
, although the same lock may be associated with many notifications.The required lock is associated with the notification, and it is only possible to wait for, or release, the notification if the lock is owned.
Threads wait for the change of state to be notified by calling
. Threads notify other threads of the change of state by callingrelease
.- Operations:
The class
provides the following operations:associated-lock
Returns the lock associated with the notification object.wait-for
Wait for the notification of the change in state. The associated lock must be owned, and is atomically released before synchronization, and reclaimed after.release
Notify the change of state to a single waiting thread. This has no effect on the associated lock, which must be owned.release-all
Notify the change of state to all waiting threads. This has no effect on the associated lock, which must be owned.
- Example:
This example shows how to use a notification and an associated lock to implement a queue. The variable
is the actual queue object (a<deque>
). Queue access is performed by interlocking pushes and pops on the<deque>
. The*queue*
variable can be a constant, since it is the<deque>
which is mutated and not the value of*queue*
.define constant *queue* = make(<deque>);
The variable
is used to isolate access to the queuedefine constant *lock* = make(<lock>);
The variable
is a notification which is used to notify other threads that an object is being put onto an empty queue.define constant *something-queued* = make(<notification>, lock: *lock*);
The function put-on-queue pushes an object onto the queue. If the queue was initially empty, then all threads which are waiting for the queue to fill are notified that there is a new entry.
define method put-on-queue (object) => () with-lock (*lock*) if (*queue*.empty?) release-all(*something-queued*) end; push(*queue*, object) end with-lock end method;
The get-from-queue function returns an object from the queue. If no object is immediately available, then it blocks until it receives a notification that the queue is no longer empty. After receiving the notification it tests again to see if an object is present, in case it was popped by another thread.
define method get-from-queue () => (object) with-lock (*lock*) while (*queue*.empty?) wait-for(*something-queued*) end; pop(*queue*) end with-lock end method;
- associated-lock Function¶
Returns the lock associated with the notification object supplied.
- Signature:
associated-lock notification => lock
- Parameters:
notification – An instance of
- Values:
lock – An instance of
- Discussion:
Returns the lock associated with the notification object notification.
- wait-for(<notification>) Sealed Method¶
Wait for another thread to release a notification.
- Signature:
wait-for notification #key timeout => success
- Parameters:
notification – An instance of
.timeout (#key) – Time-out interval. If the value is
(the default), the time-out interval never elapses. Otherwise the value should be a<real>
, corresponding to the desired interval in seconds.
- Values:
success – An instance of
- Discussion:
Wait for another thread to release notification. The lock associated with the notification must be owned. Atomically, the lock is released and the current thread starts blocking, waiting for another thread to release the notification. The current thread reclaims the lock once it has received the notification.
Note that the state should be tested again once
has returned, because there may have been a delay between therelease
of the notification and the claiming of the lock, and the state may have been changed during that time. If a timeout is supplied, then this is used for waiting for the release of the notification only. Thewait-for
function always waits for the lock with no timeout, and it is guaranteed that the lock will be owned on return. Thewait-for
function returns#f
if the notification wait times out.- Conditions:
Implementations of this
method are permitted to signal a condition of the following class, which is a subclass of<error>
Implementations can signal this error if the application attempts to wait for a notification when the associated lock is not owned by the current thread.
- release(<notification>) Sealed Method¶
Releases a notification to one of the threads that are blocked and waiting for it.
- Signature:
release notification #key => ()
- Parameters:
notification – An instance of
- Conditions:
Implementations of this
method are permitted to signal a condition of the following class, which is a subclass of<error>
Implementations can signal this error if the application attempts to release a notification when the associated lock is not owned by the current thread.
- Discussion:
Releases notification, announcing the change of state to one of the threads which are blocked and waiting for it. The choice of which thread receives the notification is undefined. The receiving thread may not be unblocked immediately, because it must first claim ownership of the notification’s associated lock.
- release-all Function¶
Release a notification to all the threads that are blocked and waiting for it.
- Signature:
release-all notification => ()
- Parameters:
notification – An instance of
- Conditions:
Implementations of the
function are permitted to signal a condition of the following class, which is a subclass of<error>
This may be signalled when an attempt is made to release a notification when the associated lock is not owned by the current thread.
- Discussion:
Releases notification, announcing the change of state to all threads which are blocked and waiting for it. Those threads will then necessarily have to compete for the lock associated with the notification.
Thread variables¶
- thread Variable definition adjective Macro¶
An adjective to
define variable
for defining thread variables.- Macro Call:
define thread variable bindings = init ;
- Discussion:
An adjective to
define variable
. The constructdefine thread variable
defines module variables in the current module which have thread-local bindings. The initialization expression is evaluated once, and is used to provide the initial values for the variables in each thread. The value of a thread variable binding may be changed with the normal assignment operator:=
. This assignment is not visible in other threads.- Example:
define thread variable *standard-output* = make(<standard-output-stream>);
Dynamic binding¶
- dynamic-bind Statement Macro¶
Executes a body of code in a context in which variables are dynamically rebound.
- Macro Call:
dynamic-bind (place1 = init1, place2 = init2, ...) body end
- Discussion:
Executes body with the specified places rebound in the dynamic environment, each place being initialized to the results of evaluating the initialization expressions. In other words, the places are initialized to new values on entry to the body but restored to their old values once the body has finished executing, whether because it finishes normally, or because of a non-local transfer of control. Typically, each place is a thread variable.
If the place is a name, it must be the name of a thread variable in the module scope.
- Example:
The following example shows the dynamic binding of a single variable.
dynamic-bind (*standard-output* = new-val()) top-level-loop () end;
This expands into code equivalent to the following:
begin let old-value = *standard-output*; block () *standard-output* := new-val(); top-level-loop() cleanup *standard-output* := old-value end end
An extended form of dynamic-bind¶
Some implementations of the Threads module may provide an extended form
of dynamic-bind
for binding places other than variables. The
implementation of this extended form requires the use of non-standard
features in the Dylan macro system, and hence cannot be written as a
portable macro. These non-standard extensions are subject to discussion
amongst the Dylan language designers, and may eventually become standard
features. Until such time as standardization occurs, implementations are
not mandated to implement the extended form of dynamic-bind
, and
portable code should not depend upon this feature.
The extended form is described below.
- dynamic-bind (extended) Statement Macro¶
Executes a body of code in a context in which variables or other places are dynamically rebound.
- Macro Call:
dynamic-bind (place1 = init1, place2 = init2, ...) body end
(This is the same as the simple form.)
- Discussion:
If place is not a name, then it may have the syntax of a call to a function. This permits an extended form for
, by analogy with the extended form for:=
. In this case, if the place appears syntactically asname(arg1, ... argn)
, then the macro expands into a call to the functionname-dynamic-binder(*init*, *body-method*, *arg1*, ... *argn*)
where init is the initial value for the binding, and body-method is function with no parameters whose body is the body of the
. The extended form also permits the other.
syntaxes for function calls.There are no features in the current version of the Threads module which make use of the extended form of
.- Example:
The following example shows the extended form of
.dynamic-bind (object.a-slot = new-slot-val()) inner-body(object) end;
This expands into code equivalent to the following:
a-slot-dynamic-binder(new-slot-val(), method () inner-body(object) end, object)
Locked variables¶
- locked Variable definition adjective Macro¶
Defines a locked variable.
- Macro Call:
define locked variable bindings = init ;
- Discussion:
An adjective to
define variable
. The constructdefine locked variable
defines module variables in the current module that can be tested and updated withconditional-update!
, oratomic-decrement!
.Other threads are prevented from modifying the locked variable during the conditional update operation by means of a low-level locking mechanism, which is expected to be extremely efficient.
- Operations:
Atomically compare and conditionally assign to the variable.atomic-increment!
Atomically increment the variable.atomic-decrement!
Atomically decrement the variable.
- Example:
define locked variable *number-detected* = 0;
Conditional update¶
- conditional-update! Statement Macro¶
Performs an atomic test-and-set operation.
- Macro Call:
conditional-update!(local-name = place) body [success success-expr ] [failure failure-expr ] end
- Parameters:
local-name – A Dylan variable-name bnf.
place – A Dylan variable-name bnf, If the implementation provides the extended form of
, place can also be a function call.body – A Dylan body bnf.
- Values:
value – See description.
- Discussion:
Performs an atomic test-and-set operation. Where appropriate, it should be implemented using dedicated processor instructions, and is expected to be extremely efficient on most platforms.
The value of the place is evaluated once to determine the initial value, which is then bound to the local-name as a lexical variable. The body is then evaluated to determine the new value for the place. The place is then conditionally updated — which means that the following steps are performed atomically:
The place is evaluated again, and a test is made to see if it has been updated since the initial evaluation. This may involve a comparison with the old value using
, though implementations might use a more direct test for there having been an assignment to the place. It is undefined whether the test will succeed or fail in the case where the place was updated with a value that is identical to the old value when compared using==
.If the value was found not to have been updated since the initial evaluation, the new value is stored by assignment. Otherwise the conditional update fails.
If the update was successful, then
returns the result of the success expression, or returns the new value of the place if no success clause was supplied.If the update failed, then
signals a condition, unless a failure clause was given, in which case the value is returned.If the place is a name, it must be the name of a locked variable in the current module scope. See Locked variables.
- Conditions:
may signal a condition of the following class (which is a subclass of<error>
), unless a failure clause is supplied.<conditional-update-error>
- Example:
The following example does an atomic increment of
.until (conditional-update! (current-val = *number-detected*) current-val + 1 failure #f end conditional-update!) end until
- atomic-increment! Function Macro¶
Atomically increments a place containing a numeric value.
- Macro Call:
atomic-increment!(place, by)
- Parameters:
place – A Dylan variable-name bnf. If the implementation provides the extended form of
, place can also be a function – An instance of
. Default value: 1.
- Values:
new-value – An instance of
- Discussion:
Atomically increments a place containing a numeric value.
The value of the place is evaluated one or more times to determine the initial value. A new value is computed from this value and by, by applying
from the Dylan module. The new value is atomically stored back into place.The macro returns the new value of place.
The place must be a suitable place for
.Implementations of
are permitted to useconditional-update!
(as in the described example), and hence can involve a loop and can cause place to be evaluated more than once. However, an atomic increment of a locked variable might be implemented by a more efficient non-looping mechanism on some platforms.- Example:
The following example atomically increments
by 2, and returns the incremented value.atomic-increment!(*number-detected*, 2);
- atomic-decrement! Function Macro¶
Atomically decrements a place containing a numeric value.
- Macro Call:
atomic-decrement!(place, by)
- Parameters:
place – A Dylan variable-name bnf. If the implementation provides the extended form of
, place can also be a function – An instance of
. Default value: 1.
- Values:
new-value – An instance of
- Discussion:
Atomically decrements a place containing a numeric value. It has the same semantics as
with the exception that the place is decremented.
An extended form of conditional-update!¶
Some implementations of the Threads module may provide an extended form
of conditional-update!
for updating places other than locked
variables. The implementation of this extended form requires the use of
non-standard features in the Dylan macro system, and hence cannot be
written as a portable macro. These non-standard extensions are subject
to discussion amongst the Dylan language designers, and may eventually
become features. Until such time as standardization occurs,
implementations are not mandated to implement the extended form of
, and portable code should not depend upon the
- conditional-update! (extended) Statement Macro¶
Performs an atomic test-and-set operation.
- Macro Call:
conditional-update!(local-name = place) body [success success-expr ] [failure failure-expr ] end
- Parameters:
local-name – A Dylan variable-name bnf.
place – A Dylan variable-name bnf or a function call.
body – A Dylan body bnf.
- Discussion:
This extended form of
additionally accepts a place that has the syntax of a call to a function. This extended form forconditional-update!
is analogous to that for:=
. In this case, if the place appears syntactically as*name* (*arg1*, ... *argn*)
The macro expands into this call:
*name* -conditional-updater(*new-value*, *local-name*, *arg1*, ... *argn*)
If the result of this function call is
, the conditional update is deemed to have failed.