Dylan Language Extensions

The Dylan language is described in the Dylan Reference Manual by Andrew Shalit (Addison-Wesley, 1996), hereafter referred to as “the DRM”.

The ways in which Open Dylan differs from the DRM are documented in Language Differences. The rest of this document describes features added to the language while retaining compatibility with the DRM. These extensions are either built in to the dylan library or are available in a separate library, common-dylan.

The common-dylan library exports the common-dylan module and several other very frequently used modules.

The majority of the extensions are in the common-extensions module of the common-dylan library. That library also exports a number of smaller modules that contain other basic facilities such as simplified formatting, pseudo-random integer generation, and object finalization.

Open Dylan provides a convenience library, common-dylan, that combines the dylan and common-extensions modules to provide a convenient “dialect” of Dylan, exported from the module common-dylan:

define library common-dylan
  use dylan, export: all;
  use common-extensions, export: all;

  export common-dylan;
end module;

define module common-dylan
  use dylan, export: all;
  use common-extensions, export: all;
end module;

This section describes Dylan language extensions, that is, extensions made to the Dylan library, and to the base language syntax, as they are defined in the DRM. These extensions are available to applications in the dylan library’s dylan module.

All the other language extensions are described in The common-dylan Library.