Appendix B
Exported Names
Exported Names
This appendix lists the names exported from the Dylan module. In a conforming implementation, the Dylan module should export exactly these names, and the names should be bound exactly as described in this book.
There are, in total, 243 names exported from the Dylan module.
Exported Classes
Fifty-two names exported from the Dylan module are bound to classes.
<abort> <array> <boolean> <byte-string> <character> <class> <collection> <complex> <condition> <deque> <double-float> <empty-list> <error> <explicit-key-collection> <extended-float> <float> <function> <generic-function> <integer> <list> <method> <mutable-collection> <mutable-explicit-key-collection> <mutable-sequence> <number> <object-table> <object> <pair> <range> <rational> <real> <restart> <sealed-object-error> <sequence> <serious-condition> <simple-error> <simple-object-vector> <simple-restart> <simple-vector> <simple-warning> <single-float> <singleton> <stretchy-collection> <stretchy-vector> <string> <symbol> <table> <type-error> <type> <unicode-string> <vector> <warning>
Exported Functions
One hundred sixty-nine names exported from the Dylan module are bound to functions.
* + - / < <= = == > >= ^ ~ ~= ~== abort abs add add! add-method add-new add-new! all-superclasses always any? applicable-method? apply aref aref-setter as as-lowercase as-lowercase! as-uppercase as-uppercase! ash backward-iteration-protocol break ceiling ceiling/ cerror check-type choose choose-by complement compose concatenate concatenate-as condition-format-arguments condition-format-string conjoin copy-sequence curry default-handler dimension dimensions direct-subclasses direct-superclasses disjoin do do-handlers element element-setter empty? error even? every? fill! find-key find-method first first-setter floor floor/ forward-iteration-protocol function-arguments function-return-values function-specializers gcd generic-function-mandatory-keywords generic-function-methods head head-setter identity initialize instance? integral? intersection key-sequence key-test last last-setter lcm limited list logand logbit? logior lognot logxor make map map-as map-into max member? merge-hash-codes min modulo negative negative? object-class object-hash odd? pair pop pop-last positive? push push-last range rank rcurry reduce reduce1 remainder remove remove! remove-duplicates remove-duplicates! remove-key! remove-method replace-elements! replace-subsequence! restart-query return-allowed? return-description return-query reverse reverse! round round/ row-major-index second second-setter shallow-copy signal singleton size size-setter slot-initialized? sort sort! sorted-applicable-methods subsequence-position subtype? table-protocol tail tail-setter third third-setter truncate truncate/ type-error-expected-type type-error-value type-for-copy type-union union values vector zero?
Exported Constants
One name exported from the Dylan module is bound to the distinguished permanent hash state.
Exported Defining Macros
Eight names exported from the Dylan module are bound to defining macros.
class-definer constant-definer domain-definer generic-definer library-definer method-definer module-definer variable-definer
Exported Statement Macros
Ten names exported from the Dylan module are bound to statement macros.
begin block case for if method select unless until while
Exported Function Macros
Three names exported from the Dylan module are bound to function macros.
:= | &