Resources on Dylan#

World Wide Web pages for this book and its examples#

Both Addison-Wesley and Harlequin maintain Web pages about this book, including the source code of the program examples, and excerpts from the book. The address of the Addison-Wesley Web page for computer science and engineering is

The address of Harlequin’s Web page is


The name of the newsgroup about Dylan is


The newsgroup is also available as an Internet mailing list. To subscribe to the info-dylan mailing list, send a message to In the body of the message, include the words subscribe info-dylan.

You may subscribe to the Dylan announcements mailing list by including the words subscribe announce-dylan.


Harlequin’s initial Dylan product is a Dylan implementation for Windows 95 and Windows/NT. Harlequin will offer Dylan implementations on the three major platforms: Windows, UNIX, and the Macintosh. Harlequin will provide a native Dylan development environment and technical support.

Harlequin’s Dylan Web site contains a great deal of useful information about Dylan, including the FAQ, The Dylan Reference Manual, and pointers to public-domain implementations of Dylan and to the comp.lang.dylan newsgroup. The address of Harlequin’s Dylan Web page is

Harlequin’s main Web site is located at

Harlequin’s main telephone numbers are

United States: 617-374-2400

United Kingdom: 44 (0) 1223 873800

Harlequin’s main addresses are

Harlequin Incorporated

One Cambridge Center

Cambridge, MA 02142 USA

Harlequin Limited

Barrington Hall



United Kingdom


Carnegie Mellon University#

Carnegie Mellon provides a public-domain implementation called Mindy, which stands for “Mindy Is Not Dylan Yet.” Mindy is an experimental byte-compiler and interpreter written in C. Mindy implementations are available for UNIX, WindowsNT, OS/2, and the Macintosh (both 68000 and PowerPC).

Carnegie Mellon’s Gwydion and Dylan Web site contains a great deal of useful information about Dylan, including the FAQ, The Dylan Reference Manual, the comp.lang.dylan newsgroup, and releases of Mindy. Carnegie Mellon’s Web site about Gwydion and Dylan is located at

The address of Carnegie Mellon’s Gwydion and Dylan ftp site is

Carnegie Mellon’s main Web site is located at

Carnegie Mellon’s electronic mail address for Gwydion is

Apple Computer, Inc.#

Apple Computer sells the Apple Dylan Technology Release. That release is a low-cost product, which provides the opportunity for programmers to become familiar with the Dylan language and the Apple Dylan development environment. The software is unfinished, and will not be supported or updated by Apple.

Apple’s Dylan Web page contains much useful information about Dylan, including the FAQ, The Dylan Reference Manual, mail archives, newsgroup archives, articles about Dylan, and pointers to public-domain implementations of Dylan:

Apple’s Dylan ftp site is located at

You can order the Apple Dylan Technology Release from the Apple Developer Catalog Online, located at

The telephone numbers for the Apple Developer Catalog Online are

U.S.: 1-800-282-2732

Canada: 1-800-637-0029

International: 1-716-871-6555

Apple’s main Web site is located at

Apple’s main address is

Apple Computer, Inc.

1 Infinite Loop

Cupertino, CA 95014

Digitool, Inc.#

Digitool ported the Apple Dylan Technology Release to run natively on the Power Macintosh. You can obtain this version from Apple Computer directly.

Digitool’s main Web site is located at

Digitool’s telephone number is


Digitool’s address is

Digitool, Inc.

One Main Street — 7th Floor

Cambridge, MA 02142


Marlais is an experimental Dylan interpreter in the public domain as “copylefted” software. Marlais is available on UNIX, the Macintosh, and Windows. It was originally developed by Brent Benson of Harris Computer Systems, and new versions were developed by Joseph N. Wilson, at the University of Florida. Patrick Beard developed the Macintosh implementation of Marlais.

The address of the Web site for Marlais is

The Web site for the Computer and Information Science and Engineering Department of the University of Florida is located at

The telephone number of the department where Marlais is being developed is


The address of the department where Marlais is being developed is

Computer & Information Science & Engineering

Room E301 CSE Building

PO Box 116120

University of Florida

Gainesville, FL 32611-6120